Part-time and Casual Work Opportunities

  • Programs Coordinator

    Do you love variety and working with community members? We require an experienced Programs Coordinator to develop and promote our adult education and community activities.

  • Bookkeeper

    Soon to be advertised - We will require a part-time Bookkeeper in 2025. Must have experience, ideally in NFP.

    Suitable applicants may send a resume and cover letter. A Position Description will be available in late January and we plan to advertise in February at the latest.

  • Class Facilitators

    What would you like to teach? We are always willing to consider adding new classes and activities to our program.

    Contact us if you would like to teach or facilitate a community program.

  • Tutors

    Are you looking for casual or relief work? We are always on the look out for experienced Tutors who wish to be considered for ongoing or relief positions, especially for Computers or English Language and Mandarin.

  • Student Placement

    From time to time we have opportunities for Placement for students of Community Services or Community Development.

    Contact our Manager if you seek a placement placement commencing after October 2024.